A professional manufacturing group
SUSEN belongs to Guangzhou AOPIYA Industrial Leather LLC. We have our two factories focus on women bags production. Beside our two bags factories, we also have many different shoes partnering factories and accessories partnering factories collectively to help SUSEN produce high-quality bags and accessories. Every factory has a story and SUSEN trusts our suppliers to provide the best in the market. We seek the absolute best from around the world to make our products.
Guangzhou AOPIYA Leather Industrial LLC, is a prestigious and professional manufacturer of ladies handbags in the industry. We have accumulated 17 years of experience in designing as well as manufacturing ladies bags. We manufacture all kinds of ladies bags with over 1,000 skilful workers in our Guangzhou China factory, which occupies 2000 square meters with 5 buildings for production and workers dormitory.

SUSEN commits a mission to protect the world
In addition to offering the best leather handbags and accessories to consumers globally, it is vital to protect the world and SUSEN fully understand real animal leather should not be used at any costs. Trending fashion, animal protection and environment protection can co-exist in SUSEN’s own beliefs.
The welfare of the environment comes first when producing our products, and we also select and monitor our supply chain so that all factories involved in the process are committing to being environmentally friendly. ‘Vegan leather’ is the way to go, which we use excellent-made PU and PVC materials that is approved by the TRNEX from the EU. Their non-toxic and recyclable features make such materials advantageous in both production and recycling, therefore fulfil the mission to protect our mother Earth.

SUSEN’s responsible personnel believe sustainability, and the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) can facilitate useful changes in the business. Our designers’ job is not only to make our bags look fashionable and popular and improve on what we have from the last season, but also incorporate various sustainable materials.
What to use, where to source, and how to use are the daily questions that all of us consider during the production process. We consider it to be interesting and necessary to keep questioning ourselves ‘how can we produce the most attractive bags for women, meanwhile ensuring the 3R can be fully realised?’.